Inventory of social entrepreneurial methods/tools for succesful PC3 implementation

Chistoph Lansink, Maria Maria Franco Garcia, Juan Manuel Jauregui Becker, Arend J. Groen

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In this paper, authors carried out an extensive literature revision to identify what contributes to the success of social enterprises operating in Base of the Pyramid (BoP) markets, thus leading to enhanced understanding of how social enterprises can operate in these markets. This includes identifying methods, instruments, tools and/or practices used by successful social enterprises, which distinct them from enterprises that fail to successfully serve the BoP markets. As part of a larger research in the field of development through co-creation, the Product Co-created Centres (PC3), the focus is on business innovation through engaging with, and building enterprises with the people at the BoP. This builds on the cutting edge work in the field of BoP strategy by Erik Simanis and Stuart Hart from the Cornell University, thus their work focusses on MNCs operating in BoP markets, whereas this study focusses on engaging the people at the BoP with entrepreneurial activities.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 8 Sept 2013
Event14th International CINet Conference 2013: Business Development and Co-creation - Nijmegen, Netherlands
Duration: 8 Sept 201311 Sept 2013
Conference number: 14


Conference14th International CINet Conference 2013
Internet address


  • METIS-303283
  • IR-90424


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