Issuing electronic vouchers

Thijs Veugen (Inventor), Luuk Danes (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method of issuing electronic vouchers (Vi) which a user (U) may submit to a merchant (M) in exchange for goods or services comprises the steps of: an issuer (I) receiving an electronic declaration (Di−1) from the user (U), the issuer verifying the electronic declaration (Di−1), and the issuer issuing a new electronic voucher (Vi) for use with the merchant (M) only if the electronic declaration comprises a signature (SM) of a merchant on a previous electronic voucher (Vi−1). The vouchers (Vi) and declarations (Di−1) are preferably blinded by the user such that the user remains anonymous. However, the electronic vouchers (Vi) may contain the identity (Q) of the user (U), which identity may be revealed when a voucher is submitted more than once.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2010257111
IPCH04L 9/ 32 A I
Priority date30/07/08
Publication statusPublished - 7 Oct 2010
Externally publishedYes


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  • Ausgeben von elektronischen gutscheinen

    Veugen, T. (Inventor) & Danes, L. (Inventor), 15 Jun 2011, IPC No. G07F 17/ 42 A I, Patent No. AT512420T, Priority date 30 Jul 2008, Priority No. WO2008NL50521

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  • Ausgeben von elektronischen gutscheinen

    Translated title of the contribution: Issuing electronic vouchersVeugen, T. (Inventor) & Danes, L. (Inventor), 12 May 2010, IPC No. G07F 17/ 42 A I, Patent No. EP2183713, Priority date 30 Jul 2008, Priority No. WO2008NL50521

    Research output: Patent

    Open Access
  • Issuing electronic vouchers

    Veugen, T. (Inventor) & Danes, L. (Inventor), 5 Feb 2009, IPC No. G07F 17/ 42 A I, Patent No. WO2009017408, Priority date 31 Jul 2007, Priority No. EP20070113541

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    Open Access

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