Ist-Analysen, Theorien und Effekte in evaluierten Interventionen der betrieblichen Gesundheitsförderung (BGF): Ein Literatur-Review für den Zeitraum 2000 bis 2020

Translated title of the contribution: As-is analyses, theories and effects in evaluated interventions in workplace health promotion (WHP): A literature review from the years 2000–2020

Sebastian Blumentritt*, Teresa Luig, Nora Schoch, Arnold Enklaar, Heike Englert

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

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Background: For quality-based further development, it is of interest to gain an insight into two decades of scientifically accompanied workplace health promotion (WHP) measures. Objective: The literature review examines scientifically evaluated WHP measures from the years 2000–2020. Based on the occupational safety-oriented guidelines of the statutory health insurance umbrella organization (GKV-Spitzenverband), it is investigated whether needs assessments were carried out by means of as-is analyses before the implementation of WHP. In addition, it is considered whether the analyses included additional soft factors, such as culture, leadership and relationship climate. It is analyzed which scientific theories and models the measures were based on. Furthermore, the study conducts an effectiveness analysis to determine what effects the measures achieved. Methods: A systematic literature search was performed in the two electronic databases Scopus and Web of Science for the publication period between 2000 and 2020. Results: A total of 41 articles met the inclusion criteria. Only 4 of the studies conducted an as-is analysis to determine the need for WHP, 25 studies conducted as-is analyses in the context of the measures, all of which were occupational health and safety oriented. Of the studies four included partial aspects of soft factors in the survey at the beginning. In 12 studies, the evaluated interventions were based on different scientific theories and models. All studies reported positive effects at least for individual study parameters. Conclusion: Against the backdrop of structural change in the economy and the steadily increasing humanization of work, science-based analytical tools for determining requirements play a major role. Future analytical tools should be designed and tested by the scientific community and, in addition to occupational health and safety orientation, should include the intangible soft factors of culture, leadership and relational climate. Despite recommendations to design measures based on theories and models, few scientifically evaluated studies have exploited this potential. All studies reported positive effects at least for parts of the evaluation. This findings of the review indicate a publication bias.

Translated title of the contributionAs-is analyses, theories and effects in evaluated interventions in workplace health promotion (WHP): A literature review from the years 2000–2020
Original languageGerman
JournalPravention und Gesundheitsforderung
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print/First online - 10 Aug 2023
Externally publishedYes


  • Measures
  • Needs analysis
  • Occupational health management
  • Scientific theories
  • Systematic literature review
  • Theoretical foundations


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