I’ve changed, but I’m not less happy: Interview study among nonclinical relatives of long-term missing persons

L.I.M. Lenferink, J. de Keijser, E. Piersma, P.A. Boelen

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Twenty-three nonclinical relatives of long-term missing persons were interviewed. Patterns of functioning over time were studied retrospectively by instructing participants to draw a graph that best described their pattern. Patterns most frequently drawn were a recovery and resilient/stable pattern. Participants were also asked to select 5 out of 15 cards referring to coping strategies, which they considered most helpful in dealing with the disappearance. Acceptance, emotional social support, mental disengagement, and venting emotions were most frequently chosen. This study provided some indication of coping strategies that could be strengthened in treatment for those in need of support.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)346-355
JournalDeath Studies
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2018
Externally publishedYes


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