Josephson junctions and dc SQUIDs based on Nb/Al technology

J. Flokstra, D.J. Adelerhof, E.P. Houwman, D. Veldhuis, H. Rogalla

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A process for fabricating high-quality Josephson junctions and DC SQUIDS on basis of Nb/Al technology has been developed. DC magnetron sputtering is used for the deposition of the metal layers and the barrier is formed by thermal oxidation of the Al-layer. The junction area of 5 µm × 5 5 µm is obtained using anodisation. Three types of Josephson tunnel junctions have been prepared: standard Nb/Al, AlOx/Nb, symmetric Nb/Al, AlOx, Al/Nb and Nb/Al, AlOx/AlOx/Nb, the latter having a double oxide layer. We performed current-voltage and conductance-voltage measurements at different temperatures and special attention was paid to the noise behaviour. Gap and sub-gap parameters as well as barrier parameters are presented. Three different DC SQUID configurations were developed on basis of the Nb/Al Josephson junctions. The measured characteristics of the standard Tesche-Clarke DC SQUID, the resistively shunted SQUID and the inductively shunted SQUID are compared with special attention being paid to the noise properties. A 19-channel DC SQUID magnetometer with standard and/or resistively-shunted DC SQUIDs is under construction.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)59-67
Number of pages1
JournalClinical physics and physiological measurement
Issue numberSuppl. B
Publication statusPublished - 1991


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