Keep an eye on your hands: on the role of visual mechanisms in processing of haptic space

Albert Postma, Sander Zuidhoek, Matthijs Leendert Noordzij, Astrid M.L. Kappers

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The present paper reviews research on a haptic orientation processing. Central is a task in which a test bar has to be set parallel to a reference bar at another location. Introducing a delay between inspecting the reference bar and setting the test bar leads to a surprising improvement. Moreover, offering visual background information also elevates performance. Interestingly, (congenitally) blind individuals do not or to a weaker extent show the improvement with time, while in parallel to this, they appear to benefit less from spatial imagery processing. Together this strongly points to an important role for visual processing mechanisms in the perception of haptic inputs.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)63-68
JournalCognitive processing
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • IR-79886

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