La roza tumba y quema en el contexto de REDD+

Miguel Angel Salinas Melgoza, Margaret Skutsch, Jonathan Cranidge Lovett

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

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Slash and burn (RTQ) is an agricultural system that in the context of climate change has been seen as one of those responsible for deforestation and intensive agriculture (AP) has been proposed to replace it in order to decrease gas greenhouse issued. We evaluated the impact of the RTQ in carbon stocks and fluxes in the context of international politics REDD+. The study was conducted in two communities Ayuquila Basin, Jalisco River. Stores Air carbon and soil in six land uses (pastures, intensive agriculture, RTQ production, RTQ at rest, sites PSA and sites forest that had never been cut), then comparisons between them were conducted were compared. Additionally, carbon stocks and associated with a cycle of ten years of RTQ flows were compared with those of a PA system. We found that C stores in RTQ plots are smaller than those found in best- preserved sites, so we support the idea that the RTQ is a cause of forest degradation. We also found that on average per ton of corn produced, long-term differences in carbon stocks are relatively small; However, although we found that global emissions of a cycle RTQ are higher than those of a PA system, this does not justify the RTQ be replaced by a more intensive system in order to mitigate climate change, especially by inputs not considered.
Original languageUndefined
Title of host publicationEstado Actual del Conocimiento del Ciclo del Carbono y sus Interacciones en México: Síntesis a 2015
EditorsF. Paz Pellat, J.C. Wong Gonzalez, R. Torres Alamilla
Place of PublicationVillahermosa, Mexico
Publication statusPublished - 2015
EventVI Simposio Internacional del Carbono en México, 2015 - Villahermosa, Mexico
Duration: 20 May 201522 May 2015
Conference number: 6

Publication series

NameSintesis nacionales


ConferenceVI Simposio Internacional del Carbono en México, 2015


  • METIS-315297
  • IR-99138

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