Learning effectiveness of concept mapping in a computer-supported collaborative problems solving design

Neli Stoyanova, Piet Kommers

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

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    The paper presents an experimental study aimed at investigating the learning effectiveness of concept mapping in a computer supported collaborative problem solving design. The main assumption underlying this research is that shared cognition is a substantial for cognitive construction and reconstruction and that concept mapping is an effective tool for mediating computer supported collaboration.
    Based on the assumption that the form in which knowledge is shared influence strongly the process of building a shared cognition and hence – the effectiveness of collaborative learning, three scenarios of concept mapping mediated group interaction have been designed – Distributed, Moderated and Shared. These tree scenarios demonstrated differential effect towards different aspects of learning effectiveness both at a group and at an individual level. It is concluded that the mode of sharing and the form of knowledge, which students communicate are more important than the access to the distributed resources itself. The Sharing scenarios showed to be the most appropriate for establishing a supportive learning environment in computer supported collaborative problem solving.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationEuropean perspectives on computer-supported collaborative learning
    Subtitle of host publicationproceedings of the First European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning : March 22-24, 2001, Universiteit Maastricht, the Netherlands
    EditorsPierre Dillenbourg, Anneke Eureling, Kai Hakkarainen
    Place of PublicationMaastricht
    Number of pages8
    ISBN (Print)9056810979
    Publication statusPublished - 2001
    EventFirst European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, EuroCSCL 2001 - Maastricht, Netherlands
    Duration: 22 Mar 200124 Mar 2001
    Conference number: 1


    ConferenceFirst European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, EuroCSCL 2001
    Abbreviated titleEuroCSCL


    • Shared cognition
    • Learning effectiveness
    • Concept mapping
    • Collaborative scenarios
    • Distributed cognition


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