Learning the mechanisms of network growth

Lourens Touwen, Doina Bucur, Remco van der Hofstad, Alessandro Garavaglia, Nelly Litvak

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic

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We propose a novel model-selection method for dynamic networks. Our approach involves training a classifier on a large body of synthetic network data. The data is generated by simulating nine state-of-the-art random graph models for dynamic networks, with parameter range chosen to ensure exponential growth of the network size in time. We design a conceptually novel type of dynamic features that count new links received by a group of vertices in a particular time interval. The proposed features are easy to compute, analytically tractable, and interpretable. Our approach achieves a near-perfect classification of synthetic networks, exceeding the state-of-the-art by a large margin. Applying our classification method to real-world citation networks gives credibility to the claims in the literature that models with preferential attachment, fitness and aging fit real-world citation networks best, although sometimes, the predicted model does not involve vertex fitness.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages25
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2024


  • cs.SI
  • math.PR
  • stat.ML


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  • Learning the mechanisms of network growth

    Touwen, L., Bucur, D., van der Hofstad, R., Garavaglia, A. & Litvak, N., May 2024, In: Scientific reports. 14, 1, 11866.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    Open Access
    107 Downloads (Pure)

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