Let the Game do the Talking: The influence of explicitness and game behavior on comprehension in an educational computer game

Erwin Bergervoet, Frans van der Sluis, Elisabeth M.A.G. van Dijk, Antinus Nijholt

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

    3 Citations (Scopus)
    12 Downloads (Pure)


    An endogenous educational game is a game where the educational content is integrated in the game play mechanics themselves. These games rely on a constructivist approach to learning, where the learner constructs knowledge through concrete experiences. Endogenous educational games which are specifically developed for educational purposes mostly make this purpose explicit: they make it clear in advance what is about to be learned. This research tried to find out how such an explicit purpose influences the game behavior and comprehension by developing two versions of an endogenous educational game about overfishing, one with and one without an explicit purpose. It showed that children who played the explicit version got more shallow knowledge and showed more active game behavior. The players who showed more explorative game behavior acquired more deep knowledge about the game.
    Original languageUndefined
    Title of host publicationInternational Conference on CyberWorlds: CYBERWORLDS 2011
    EditorsM.L. Gavrilova
    Place of PublicationUSA
    Number of pages8
    ISBN (Print)978-0-7695-4467-0
    Publication statusPublished - 4 Oct 2011
    EventInternational Conference on CyberWorlds: CYBERWORLDS 2011 - Banff, Alberta, Canada
    Duration: 4 Oct 20116 Oct 2011

    Publication series

    PublisherIEEE Computer Society


    ConferenceInternational Conference on CyberWorlds: CYBERWORLDS 2011
    Other4-6 Oct 2011


    • METIS-278733
    • IR-78278
    • Game Design
    • game experience
    • HMI-HF: Human Factors
    • endogenous games
    • Educational games
    • EWI-20325
    • exogenous games

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