Local detailed inspection methods to determine concrete properties on structures

D. Bjegovic, M. Serdar, Irina Stipanovic, J. Gulikers

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During assessment of reinforced concrete structures, information about concrete properties can give a clearer insight into the prevailing reasons for premature degradation of structures. In this paper an overview is given of methods for local detailed inspection of concrete properties in corroding reinforced concrete structures. Recommended non-destructive, semi-destructive and destructive testing methods for determining mechanical and durability properties of concrete are given, together with some practical information about performing the method and analysing obtained results. Recommended criteria for evaluating concrete quality and potential risk of corrosion due to poor concrete performance are also given
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)135-140
JournalMaterials and corrosion
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2013


  • METIS-288198
  • IR-87454


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