Local energy autarky: What it means and why it matters

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The concept of energy autarky, namely self-sufficient energy production and consumption, gained traction as states and other actors seek alternatives to centralised energy systems and conventional energy sources. This led to discussions about the potential for achieving autarky at various territorial levels, including national, regional, local, and even city district or household. While studies on autarky at the national level exist, the connotations of autarky at the local community level remain underexplored. This paper addresses this knowledge gap by exploring the connotations local communities and stakeholders attach to the state of autarky in local energy systems. Five connotations are identified from the literature, illustrated and reflected upon using a multiple-case study research approach, with six illustrative cases from Denmark, the Netherlands, and India. Results show that energy autarky is a context-dependent concept and that local community members attribute different connotations to it, some of which overlap. Additionally, challenges to autarky in local energy systems follow from local contextual conditions, leading to varying degrees to which communities achieve or even pursue autarky.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103920
JournalEnergy research & social science
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2025


  • UT-Hybrid-D


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