Local phase measurements of light in a one-dimensional photonic crystal

E. Flück, A.M. Otter, Jeroen P. Korterik, M.L.M. Balistreri, L. Kuipers, N.F. van Hulst

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For the first time the local optical phase evolution in and around a small, o­ne-dimensional photonic crystal has been visualized with a heterodyne interferometric photon scanning tunnelling microscope. The measurements show an exponential decay of the optical intensity inside the crystal, which consists of a periodic array of subwavelength air rods fabricated in a conventional ridge waveguide. In addition it is found that the introduction of the air rods has a counter- intuitive effect o­n the phase development inside the structure. The heterodyne detection scheme allows the detection of low- intensity scattered wanes. In the vicinity of the scattering air rods phase singularities are found with a topological charge of plus or minus o­ne
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)104-109
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of microscopy
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • METIS-202096
  • IR-36492

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