Lost puppy: Towards a playful intervention for wandering dementia patients

Yacintha Aakster, Robby van Delden*, Stefan Lentelink

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

    1 Citation (Scopus)
    331 Downloads (Pure)


    Many nursing homes for dementia patients struggle with residents that wander towards the exit with the intention of leaving. Several types of interventions have been used to deal with this issue. Unfortunately, many of them are quite forceful, or are unsuitable for the specific context of certain nursing homes. In this paper, we investigate the possibility to using a more playful persuasive intervention. The design itself is in the form of a lost puppy, equipped with several actuators and sensors, that has to be brought ‘home’, in order to steer residents unknowingly away from the exit. Our first pilot indicated that residents noticed the puppy and showed interest in the device, and might be distracted from the exit. However, the puppy in its current form did not yet lead the residents away from the exit. Based on our contextual analyses, related work, and received feedback, we share our design insights which could be helpful for creating playful interventions for people with dementia.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationAdvances in Computer Entertainment Technology
    Subtitle of host publication14th International Conference, ACE 2017, Proceedings
    EditorsAdrian David Cheok, Masahiko Inami, Teresa Romao
    Number of pages19
    ISBN (Electronic)978-3-319-76270-8
    ISBN (Print)978-3-319-76269-2
    Publication statusPublished - 2018
    Event14th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2017 - The Shard, London, United Kingdom
    Duration: 14 Dec 201716 Dec 2017
    Conference number: 14

    Publication series

    NameLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
    Volume10714 LNCS
    ISSN (Print)03029743
    ISSN (Electronic)16113349


    Conference14th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2017
    Abbreviated titleACE 2017
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
    Internet address


    • Care home
    • Dementia
    • Design
    • Play
    • Playful intervention
    • Wandering
    • Nursing homes


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