Low-loss sharp bends in polymer waveguides enabled by the introduction of a thin metal layer

Mustafa Sefünç, Markus Pollnau, Sonia M. García-Blanco

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Embodying a thin metallic layer underneath the core of a sharply bent polymer waveguide is shown in this work to considerably reduce the total losses of both the quasi-transverse-electric and quasi-transversemagnetic modes. The computational results show a total loss as low as ~0.02 dB/90° for the quasi-transverse-electric mode for radii between 6 and 13 μm at the wavelength of 1.55 μm, which corresponds to a 10-fold improvement over the purely dielectric counterpart. The radii range exhibiting such low total loss can be tuned by properly selecting the parameters of the structure. For the quasi-transverse-magnetic mode, the metal layer reduces the total losses modestly for radii ranging from 3 to 10 μm. Simulation results for different structural parameters are presented.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)29808-29817
Number of pages10
JournalOptics express
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2013


  • IOMS-APD: Active Photonic Devices
  • Surface plasmons
  • Plasmonics
  • Integrated optics
  • Guided waves
  • Metals
  • Polymer waveguides


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