Magnetic control of soft microrobots near step-out frequency: Characterization and analysis

Zihan Wang*, Wenjiang Li, Anke Klingner, Yutao Pei, Sarthak Misra, Islam S.M. Khalil*

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Magnetically actuated soft microrobots hold promise for biomedical applications that necessitate precise control and adaptability in complex environments. These microrobots can be accurately steered below their step-out frequencies where they exhibit synchronized motion with external magnetic fields. However, the step-out frequencies of soft microrobots have not been investigated yet, as opposed to their rigid counterparts. In this work, we develop an analytic model from the magneto-elastohydrodynamics to establish the relationship between the step-out frequency of soft sperm-like microrobots and their magnetic properties, geometry, wave patterns, and the viscosity of the surrounding medium. We fabricate soft sperm-like microrobots using electrospinning and assess their swimming abilities in mediums with varying viscosities under an oscillating magnetic field. We observe slight variations in wave patterns of the sperm-like microrobots as the actuation frequency changes. Our theoretical model, which analyzes these wave patterns observed without exceeding the step-out threshold, quantitatively agrees with the experimentally measured step-out frequencies. By accurately predicting the step-out frequency, the proposed model lays a foundation for achieving precise control over individual soft microrobots and enabling selective control within a swarm when executing biomedical tasks.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)165-176
Number of pages12
JournalComputational and Structural Biotechnology Journal
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024


  • Magnetic actuation
  • Materials characterization
  • Soft sperm-like microrobots
  • Step-out frequency
  • Theoretical model


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