Maintenance document Dieka PreProcessor for Extrusion

Kasper Valkering

    Research output: Working paper

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    This is the maintenance document belonging to the Dieka-PreProcessor. The first version of the preprocessor was written by Wenhua Cao. The preprocessor was revised and expanded by Kasper Valkering. It acts as the interface between Pro/Engineer and Dieka, and makes it possible to draw and mesh extrusion dies in Pro/Engineer, and do the FEcalculation in Dieka. See the User manual for more details on the preprocessor . In this document the data structures and the procedures used in the preprocessor applications are explained. First the defined data structures will be discussed. All used data structures can be found in the file ProeToDiekaDataStruct.h and the appendix. Then the applications and its procedures are explained. Each of these applications and procedures can be found in the file with the same name, with extension *.c.
    Original languageUndefined
    Number of pages39
    Publication statusPublished - 2000


    • IR-59334

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