Managing science cities spaces in wider urban hierarchies: Reconciling knowledge-based and polycentric modes of urban development

Paul Benneworth, Milana Korotka, Tiago Ratinho

    Research output: Working paper

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    This paper explores polycentric knowledge-based urban development in practice, asking how to create a Europe that benefits everyone involved. More specifically, it is asking whether the emergence of a new knowledge space has created a multi-urban service node, stimulating innovation and growth across a wider city-region urban field. Drawing on the case of Kennispark (Knowledge Park) in Twente region, the Eastern Netherlands, it analyses the tensions that occur between polycentric and knowledge-based urban development. The paper concludes with the possible implications of such tensions for the science cities in terms of increasing their smart specialisation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages27
    Publication statusPublished - 2018

    Publication series

    NameRUNIN Working Paper Series
    ISSN (Electronic)2535-5686


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