Mapping grassland leaf area index with airborne hyperspectral imagery: a comparison study of statistical approaches and inversion of radiative transfer models

R. Darvishzadeh*, C. Atzberger, A.K. Skidmore, M. Schlerf

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Statistical and physical models have seldom been compared in studying grasslands. In this paper, both modeling approaches are investigated for mapping leaf area index (LAI) in a Mediterranean grassland (Majella National Park, Italy) using HyMap airborne hyperspectral images. We compared inversion of the PROSAIL radiative transfer model with narrow band vegetation indices (NDVI-like and SAVI2-like) and partial least squares regression (PLS). To assess the performance of the investigated models, the normalized RMSE (nRMSE) and R2 between in situ measurements of leaf area index and estimated parameter values are reported. The results of the study demonstrate that LAI can be estimated through PROSAIL inversion with accuracies comparable to those of statistical approaches (R2 = 0.89, nRMSE = 0.22). The accuracy of the radiative transfer model inversion was further increased by using only a spectral subset of the data (R2 = 0.91, nRMSE = 0.18). For the feature selection wavebands not well simulated by PROSAIL were sequentially discarded until all bands fulfilled the imposed accuracy requirements.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)894-906
JournalISPRS journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 2011


  • 2023 OA procedure


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