Marginal queue length approximations for a two-layered network with correlated queues

J.L. Dorsman, M. Vlasiou, O.J. Boxma

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic

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We consider an extension of the classical machine-repair model. As opposed to the classical model, we assume that the machines, apart from receiving service from the repairman, also supply service themselves to queues of products. The extended model can be viewed as a layered queueing network (LQN), where the first layer consists of two separate queues of products. Each of these queues is served by its own machine. The second layer consists of a waiting buffer and a repairman, able to restore the machines into an operational state. When a machine breaks down, it waits in the repair buffer for the repairman to become available. Since the repair time of one machine may affect the period of time the other machine is not able to process products, the downtimes of the machines are correlated. We explicitly model the correlation between the downtimes, which leads to correlation between the queues of products in the first layer. Taking these correlations into account, we obtain approximations for the marginal distributions of the queue lengths in the first layer, by the study of a single server vacation queue. Extensive numerical results show that these approximations are highly accurate.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEindhoven
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameEurandom preprint series


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