Marketing a transparent Artificial Intelligence (AI): A preliminary study on message design

Anne Wind, Efthymios Constantinides, Sjoerd de Vries

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Artificial intelligence (AI) is emerging as a major disruptive technology for individuals, businesses and processes in various domains. Experts emphasize that AI should be developed and applied transparently and under human control as a basic requirement for wide public acceptance and adoption. While the wider public is not familiar with the details and possibilities of AI, opaque developments and recent events with political and social consequences increase the public anxiety and risk perceptions about this technology. Acceptance of the AI by the wider public as a disruptive, yet useful technology requires a proactive attitude and open communication between developers, users and public.
This article reviews the literature on marketing theories and approaches relevant for designing communication strategies towards the wider public. Using the AIDA approach as red line, the study presents a number of guidelines on designing persuasive communicative messages responsive to the public lack of knowledge and distrust. It provides a starting point for AI evangelists and businesses engaging such technology in better informing and communicating with the wider public and increasing the transparency and acceptance of AI as a promising future technology.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jan 2019
Event18th International Marketing Trends Conference 2019 - Venice, Italy
Duration: 17 Jan 201919 Jan 2019
Conference number: 18


Conference18th International Marketing Trends Conference 2019
Internet address


  • Artificial intelligence
  • IDA-model
  • Awareness
  • Technology acceptance model
  • Trio of needs
  • Arousal


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