Mass flowmeter for measuring by the CT method

Johannes Henricus Besseling (Inventor), Joost Conrad Lötters (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    A mass flowmeter of the thermal type provided with a flow sensor with a flow tube through which a fluid can flow during operation, with a temperature sensor in an upstream position (A) and a heater (H) in a downstream position (B), and power control means and temperature measuring means for keeping the temperature difference between A and B at a predetermined constant value. Between A and B, the flowmeter is provided with means for preventing the temperature at A from rising owing to thermal conduction from B to A via the tube in the case of no flow or a weak flow.
    Original languageUndefined
    Patent numberUS20040834104
    Publication statusSubmitted - 29 Apr 2004


    • IR-76510
    • EWI-19847

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