Maximizing throughput in some simple time-constrained scheduling situations

H.H. Huisman, G.L. Polderman, P.J. Weeda

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademic

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    This contribution focuses on some interesting phenomena occurring in scheduling capacity constrained resources in time-constrained situations. The scheduling situations considered form part of a simulation game developed to assist in teaching the scheduling philosophy of Optimized Production Technology (OPT) to production managers. It is shown that under certain conditions on set-up and processing times, advanced examples may be constructed combining three of the four complicating conditions mentioned m the OPT-literature. In addition, some interesting properties of process batches yielding a maximum throughput in such cases is considered.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)293-299
    JournalEngineering Costs and Production Economics
    Issue number35
    Publication statusPublished - 1990


    • IR-72628

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