Measurement and Numerical Evaluation of AC Losses in a ReBCO Roebel Cable at 4.5 K

J. van Nugteren, B. van Nugteren, P. Gao, L. Bottura, M. Dhallé, W. Goldacker, A. Kario, H. ten Kate, G. Kirby, H.J.G. Krooshoop, G. de Rijk, L. Rossi, C. Senatore, W.A.J. Wessel, K. Yagotintsev, Y. Yang

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EuCARD-2 aims to research ReBCO superconducting magnets for future accelerator applications. The properties of ReBCO conductors are very different from low-temperature superconductors. To investigate dynamic field quality, stability, and normal zone propagation, an electrical network model for coated conductor cables was developed. To validate the model, two identical samples were prepared at CERN, after which measurements were taken at the University of Twente and Southampton University. The model predicts that for a Roebel cable, in a changing magnetic field applied in the perpendicular direction, hysteresis loss is much larger than coupling loss. In the case of a changing magnetic field applied parallel to the cable, coupling loss is dominant. In the first case, the experiment is in good agreement with the model. In the second case, the data can only be compared qualitatively because the calibration for the inductive measurement is not available.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8201407
Number of pages7
JournalIEEE transactions on applied superconductivity
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2016


  • HTS
  • Magnetization
  • Measurement
  • Modeling
  • ReBCO
  • Roebel cable
  • Validation
  • 2023 OA procedure


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