Method and apparatus for generating a coherent laser beam and method for making a hologram to be used therein

H.L. Offerhaus (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


An apparatus for generating a coherent laser beam from an emission of a series of diode lasers, comprising at least one row of source diodes and a system for transforming the primary light emission emitted by the source diodes into secondary coherent light emission, wherein the system for transforming the primary emission into secondary coherent light emission includes a hologram, which comprises an image of an interference pattern of the primary light emission and the secondary coherent light emission, so that when illuminating the hologram with the primary light emission, the hologram reflects the secondary coherent light emission and in that a mirror is provided in the path of the secondary coherent light emission, which reflects at least some of the secondary coherent light emission via the hologram to the diode lasers.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS20030657063 20030903
Priority date4/05/01
Publication statusPublished - 5 Apr 2001


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