Method and arrangement for the liquid-assisted laser texturing of moving steel strip

David Thomas Allan Matthews (Inventor), Hasib Mustafa (Inventor), Gerardus Richardus, Bernardus, Engelina Römer (Inventor), Rob Hagmeijer (Inventor), Frans Gerard Blauw (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    The invention relates to a method and arrangement for the texturing of a moving steel strip (3) wherein a texture is applied to a surface of a moving steel strip (3) by ablation by means of a single laser beam or a plurality of laser beams directed at the surface of the moving steel strip (3) and wherein a liquid (2) is supplied on the moving steel strip (3) over a surface area on the moving steel strip (3) that covers the working area of the single laser beam or the plurality of laser beams on the moving steel strip (3).
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberWO/2018/054569
    IPCB23K 26/00 (2014.01) ,B21B 1/22 (2006.01) ,B23K 26/08 (2014.01) ,B23K 26/12 (2014.01) ,B23K 26/16 (2006.01) ,B23K 26/361 (2014.01) ,B23K 26/352 (2014.01) ,B23K 101/16 (2006.01) ,B23K 103/04 (2006.01)
    Priority date23/09/16
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Mar 2018


    • Laser Surface Texturing
    • Liquid Assisted Laser Processing


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