Method and system for impulse radio wakeup

Fabio Sebastiano (Inventor), S. Drago (Inventor), Lucien J. Breems (Inventor), Dominicus M.W. Leenaerts (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    Communication networks are implemented using a variety of devices and methods. In a particular embodiment for use in a communication network having RF-communication devices that communicate using a RF protocol, an RF-communication device is implemented with an RF transceiver (110) to communicate over the network using the RF protocol and being controllable in a reduced power-consumption mode in which the RF transceiver does not communicate over the network. The device also includes an RF receiver (104, 106) including an envelope detector (104) and a pulse generator circuit (106).; The envelope detector circuit (104) providing an envelope-based signal to a pulse generator circuit (106) that, in response to the envelope-based signal and after generating a number of pulses that exceeds a predetermined number of pulses, prompts the RF transceiver (110) to transition out of the reduced power-consumption mode.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS2010216523 A1
    Publication statusPublished - 26 Aug 2010


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    • Method and System for Impulse Radio Wakeup

      Sebastiano, F. (Inventor), Drago, S. (Inventor), Breems, L. J. (Inventor) & Leenaerts, D. M. W. (Inventor), 31 Dec 2013, Patent No. US8620394, Priority date 31 Dec 2013

      Research output: Patent


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