Method and system for inter-operability between mobile IP and RSVP during route optimization

Georgios Karagiannis (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent

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    A correspondent host that needs to begin a real-time packet-data session with a mobile node sends a mobile IP binding request message to a home agent of the mobile node. The correspondent host does not send any further messages until it has received a binding update message in response to the binding request message. Upon receipt of the binding update message, the correspondent host knows a care-of address of the mobile node. A binding to the care-of address is created responsive to receipt of the binding update message. An RSVP PATH message is sent by the correspondent host responsive to receipt of the binding update message. The RSVP PATH message explicitly binds a data path of a packet flow to the mobile node. The correspondent host perceives a RSVP RESV message in response to the RSVP PATH message.
    Original languageUndefined
    Patent numberUS20010904315
    Publication statusSubmitted - 12 Jul 2001


    • EWI-15418
    • IR-65518

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