Method and transmission node for providing data packets to a plurality of receivers using network coding

Jasper Goseling (Inventor), Ljupco Jorgueseski (Inventor)

Research output: Patent

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The disclosure relates to a transmission node and a method for wirelessly providing a number of data packets to a plurality of receivers in a cell of a transmission node of a cellular telecommunications system. The method comprises the steps of storing a number of network coded data packets at the transmission node and cyclically transmitting the stored network coded data packets from the transmission node to the plurality of receivers. The number of transmitted network coded data packets in a cycle is at least equal to the number of data packets to be provided to each receiver of the plurality of receivers and each network coded data packet is a linear combination of two or more data packets to be provided to each receiver.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberA1
IPCUS 2017/0188203
Priority date29/06/17
Publication statusPublished - 29 Jun 2017


  • Selective distribution or broadcast application services
  • Mobile application services to user groups
  • One-way selective calling services


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