Microelectromechanical system component or a microfluidic component comprising a free-hanging or free-standing microchannel

Mahdieh Yariesbouei (Inventor), Wouter Sparreboom (Inventor), Jarno Groenesteijn (Inventor), Jack Herman van Putten (Inventor), Meint J. de Boer (Inventor), Remco J. Wiegerink (Inventor), Henk-Willem Veltkamp (Inventor), Qihui Yu (Inventor), Miguel Angel Rodriguez Olguin (Inventor), Joost Conrad Lötters (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


The invention relates to a microelectromechanical system (MEMS) component or microfluidic component comprising a free-hanging or free-standing microchannel (1), as well as methods for manufacturing such a microchannel, as well as a flow sensor, e.g. a thermal flow sensor or a Coriolis flow sensor, pressure sensor or multi-parameter sensor, valve, pump or microheater, comprising such a microelectromechanical system component or microfluidic component. The MEMS component allows to increase the flow range and/or decrease the pressure drop of for instance a micro Coriolis mass flow meter by increasing the channel diameter, while maintaining its advantages.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberWO2021054829
IPCB81C 1/00 2006.1
Priority date20/09/19
Publication statusPublished - 25 Mar 2021


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