Modeling boundary friction of coated sheets in sheet metal forming

Meghshyam Shisode*, Javad Hazrati, Tanmaya Mishra, Matthijn de Rooij, Carel ten Horn, Jeroen van Beeck, Ton van den Boogaard

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In forming processes, friction is a local phenomenon influenced by the contact conditions at the tool-sheet metal interface. A multi-scale friction model applicable for coated sheets is developed for the boundary lubrication regime which accounts for the physical behavior of coating and measured surface topographies of sheet and tools. The contact patches and therefore the real area of contact is determined at the tool-sheet metal interface for different contact loading conditions. A single asperity micro-scale ploughing model is adapted at each contact patch to determine the friction force from which the overall coefficient of friction is determined. The friction model is validated using different sets of lab-scale friction tests and cup drawing experiments on zinc coated (GI) steel sheets.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106554
JournalTribology international
Early online date5 Aug 2020
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2021


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