Modeling of Micro-Electronic Fluidic Systems

Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, Robert W. Barber, Hans G. Kerkhoff, David R. Emerson, Raluca Muller, E.J. van der Wouden

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    A microelectronic fluidic system is studied using modeling and simulation of fluid flow controlled by applying gate voltage. 2D simulations were used to characterize the fluidic Field Effect Transistor (FlowFET) device under fault-free conditions. The FlowFET operates by applying a voltage from a gate electrode in the insulated side wall of a microchannel, to modulate the z-potential at the shear plane. The change in z-potential can be used to control both the magnitude and the direction of the electroosmotic flow in the microchannel.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)363-369
    Number of pages7
    JournalRomanian journal of information science and technology
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


    • METIS-226953
    • EWI-20046
    • EC Grant Agreement nr.: FP6/507255
    • IR-76674

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