Modeling Software Evolution using Algebraic Graph Rewriting

Selim Ciraci, Pim van den Broek

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    We show how evolution requests can be formalized using algebraic graph rewriting. In particular, we present a way to convert the UML class diagrams to colored graphs. Since changes in software may effect the relation between the methods of classes, our colored graph representation also employs the relations in UML interaction diagrams. Then, we provide a set of algebraic graph rewrite rules that formalizes the changes that may be caused by an evolution request, using the pushout construction in the category of marked colored graphs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages15
    Publication statusPublished - Jul 2006
    EventWorkshop on Architecture-Centric Evolution (ACE 2006) - Nantes, France
    Duration: 3 Jul 20063 Jul 2006


    WorkshopWorkshop on Architecture-Centric Evolution (ACE 2006)
    Abbreviated titleACE
    Internet address


    • EWI-9088
    • IR-66876
    • Evolution modelling
    • METIS-237916
    • Software Evolution
    • Software evolvability
    • Graph Rewriting


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