Modeling the effect of temperature and pressure on the peak and steady-state ply-ply friction response for UD C/PAEK tapes

E.R. Pierik, W.J.B. Grouve*, S. Wijskamp, R. Akkerman

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A proper description of ply-ply friction is essential for the simulation of thermoplastic composite forming processes. The friction response from characterization experiments typically shows a peak followed by a steady-state shear stress. The rate-dependency of the peak and steady-state shear stress can be predicted by considering shear flow and wall slip effects. In this study, we investigated the temperature- and pressure-dependency of the peak and steady-state friction. The friction decreased slightly with increasing temperature, which was predicted by the shear flow model when including the temperature-dependency of the matrix viscosity. Further, the normal pressure was found to govern the onset of wall slip. A high pressure suppresses wall slip, increasing the steady-state friction. This effect was successfully modeled by including a pressure-sensitive critical shear stress for the onset of wall slip.
Original languageEnglish
Article number107671
JournalComposites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
Early online date6 Jul 2023
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


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