Modeling the Genesis of Sand-Starved Dunes in Steady Currents

Gaetano Porcile*, Johan H. Damveld, Pieter C. Roos, Paolo Blondeaux, Marco Colombini

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The formation of fluvial dunes is usually studied by investigating the time development of a small amplitude bottom perturbation of a uniform stream and considering that the dunes originate by the growth of the bottom mode characterized by the largest amplification rate under the assumption of an infinite availability of the mobile sediment (linear stability analysis). Here we undertake the stability analysis investigating the formation of sand dunes in steady currents by accounting for the nonlinear effects of sediment starvation on the formative mechanisms of the bedforms and comparing the theoretical results with laboratory experiments, and an application of a fully nonlinear commercial model of finite amplitude dunes, thus enabling an improved understanding of the genesis of starved fluvial dunes. As the growth of the dunes progressively exposes the motionless substratum, both the stability-based and the numerical models predict starved dunes characterized by increasing crest-to-crest distances. The increase of the crest-to-crest distance corresponds to a decrease of the length of individual dunes as well as a growing irregularity in their spacing and morphology. These findings conform with the outcome of physical experiments performed earlier in a laboratory flume and existing measurements of starved fluvial dunes in the field.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere2022JF006796
JournalJournal of geophysical research: Earth surface
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2023


  • Fluvial dunes
  • Morphodynamics
  • Nonlinear effects
  • Process-based modeling
  • Sediment starvation
  • Stability analysis
  • UT-Hybrid-D


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