Modes of Political Representation: Toward a New Typology

Rudy B. Andeweg, Jacques J.A. Thomassen

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    The mandate-independence controversy still features prominently in studies of political representation even though the problems with its theoretical foundation and empirical operationalization have long been recognized. This article proposes an alternative typology of modes of representation. By combining type of control (ex ante or ex post) with direction of the interactions (bottom-up or top-down), our study captures the most important aspects of the relationship between voters and representatives. We demonstrate how the typology can be used in a survey instrument by comparing the attitudes toward representation of Dutch members of Parliament with the attitudes held by voters, and by relating the views of the members to their behavior.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)507-528
    Number of pages22
    JournalLegislative studies quarterly
    Issue number4
    Publication statusPublished - 2005


    • METIS-224497
    • IR-52765

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