Monolithic mtesla-level magnetic induction by self-rolled-up membrane technology

Wen Huang, Zhendong Yang, Mark Kraman, Qingyi Wang, Miguel Muñoz Rojo, Ananth Yalamarthy, Victoria Chen, Feifei Lian, Jimmy Ni, Siyu Liu, Haotian Yu, Lei Sang, Julian Michaels, Dane Sievers, Gary Eden, Paul Braun, Qian Chen, Songbin Gong, Debbie Senesky, Eric PopXiuling Li*

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Monolithic strong magnetic induction at the mtesla to tesla level provides essential functionalities to physical, chemical, and medical systems. Current design options are constrained by existing capabilities in three-dimensional (3D) structure construction, current handling, and magnetic material integration. We report here geometric transformation of large-area and relatively thick (~100 to 250 nm) 2D nanomembranes into multiturn 3D air-core microtubes by a vapor-phase self-rolled-up membrane (S-RuM) nanotechnology, combined with postrolling integration of ferrofluid magnetic materials by capillary force. Hundreds of S-RuM power inductors on sapphire are designed and tested, with maximum operating frequency exceeding 500 MHz. An inductance of 1.24 μH at 10 kHz has been achieved for a single microtube inductor, with corresponding areal and volumetric inductance densities of 3 μH/mm2 and 23 μH/mm3, respectively. The simulated intensity of the magnetic induction reaches tens of mtesla in fabricated devices at 10 MHz.
Original languageEnglish
Article numbereaay4508
JournalScience advances
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 17 Jan 2020


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