Multi-tasking control system for real-time processing of biomedical signals

J.A. Westdijk, Jan A. van Alste (Corresponding Author), Albert L. Schoute

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademic

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    A general multi-tasking control system has been developed for real-time signal processing. This control system, written in the language PASCAL, enables tasks (expressed as PASCAL procedures) to be performed as separate, concurrent processes, with adjustable priority levels. Modifications of this system such as the addition of new processes and a change of the number of priority levels can be realised easily. The system has been used for the implementation of the real-time algorithms involved in monitoring exercise electrocardiograms. For this application an LSI 11/23 is used with the support of a slave processor for the calculation of inner products. The control system is also suitable for other real-time applications when process requirements are not too heavy.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)153-158
    JournalComputer methods and programs in biomedicine
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - 1988


    • Real Time
    • Electrocardiograms
    • Multi-tasking control system
    • Biomedical signal processing


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