Multilevel IRT Model Assessment

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademic

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Modelling complex cognitive and psychological outcomes in, for example, educational assessment led to the development of generalized item response theory (IRT) models. A class of models was developed to solve practical and challenging educational problems by generalizing the basic IRT models. An IRT model can be used to define a relation between observed categorical responses and an underlying latent trait, such as, ability or attitude. Subsequently, the latent trait variable can be seen as the outcome in a regression analysis. That is, a regression model defines the relation between the latent trait and the set of predictors. The combination of both models, a regression model imposed on the ability parameter in an IRT model, can be viewed as an extension to the class of IRT models.
Original languageUndefined
Title of host publicationNew developments in categorical data analysis for the social and behavioral sciences
EditorsL. Andries Ark, Marcel A. Croon
Place of PublicationMahwah, NJ [etc.]
PublisherLawrence Erlbaum
ISBN (Print)9780805847284
Publication statusPublished - 2005

Publication series

PublisherLawrence Erlbaum


  • IR-59657

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