Network position and related power: how they affect and are affected by network management and outcomes

Tamara Oukes

    Research output: ThesisPhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT

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    In network position and related power you learn more about how network position and related power affect and are affected by network management and outcomes. First, I expand our present understanding of how startups with a fragile network position manage business relationships by taking an interactive perspective rather than an organisational one. Second, I extend our current knowledge of how network position and other power sources influence network outcomes in dyadic relationships by investigating multipartner relationships. A multimethod approach reveals that:
    • Third actors are crucial to startups’ relationship initiation process
    • Startups’ interactions with partners are interactive and dynamic
    • Structural and behavioural power interact via perceived power
    • Power asymmetry differently impacts value creation and capture
    • Variety in multipartner alliances is affected by power asymmetry
    My findings inform startups, startups’ partners, organisations involved in multipartner relationships and policy-makers about how they can improve network management and outcomes. Also, they open avenues for further research into the interplay among business attributes and relational elements, and its impact on network management and outcomes.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University of Twente
    • Groen, Aard, Supervisor
    • von Raesfeld Meijer, Ariane M., Supervisor
    Thesis sponsors
    Award date16 Mar 2018
    Place of PublicationEnschede
    Print ISBNs978-94-028-0954-1
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


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