Non-Invasive photoacoustic imaging of angiogenesis around a growing tumour

K.K. Thumma, RI Siphanto, R.G.M. Kolkman, Wiendelt Steenbergen, H. van Neck, L.N.A. van Adrichem, Ton van Leeuwen

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterOther research output

    Original languageUndefined
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Sept 2004
    EventOptical Imaging 2004. 4th Inter-institute Workshop on Optical Diagnostic Imaging from Bench to Bedside - National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland
    Duration: 20 Sept 200422 Sept 2004


    ConferenceOptical Imaging 2004. 4th Inter-institute Workshop on Optical Diagnostic Imaging from Bench to Bedside
    CityNational Institute of Health, Bethesda, Maryland


    • METIS-223134

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