Numerical studies of unsteady heat transfer with thermoacustics oscillations

Antonio Filosa, Andrea Tomasello, Berthold Noll, Manfred Aigner, Mina Shahi, Jim Kok

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


The paper reports on an investigation of heat transfer and flow field in a model combustor to study self-excited oscillations. This burner (referred to as LIMOUSINE burner) consists of a triangular bluff-body placed in a rectangular channel with variable section and adjustable acoustic inlet and outlet boundaries. Due to its geometry, self-excited oscillations of the pressure field occur in the burner as result of the closed feedback between acoustics and combustion. The numerical simulations focus on the prediction of unsteady heat flux during thermoacoustic oscillations, in order to show its changes as a consequence of the response of the thermal boundary layer.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration 2013 (ICSV20)
Subtitle of host publicationBangkok, Thailand 7-11 July 2013
EditorsMalcolm J. Crocker, Marek Pawelczyk, Boonchoat Paosawatyangyong
Place of PublicationRed Hook, NY
PublisherCurran Associates Inc.
ISBN (Print)978-1-62993-150-0
Publication statusPublished - 7 Jul 2013
Event20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2013 - Bangkok, Thailand
Duration: 7 Jul 201311 Jul 2013
Conference number: 20


Conference20th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2013
Abbreviated titleICSV
Internet address


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