title = "On the Generating Power of Regularly Controlled Bidirectional Grammars",
abstract = "RCB-grammars or regularly controlled bidirectional grammars are context-free grammars of which the rules can be used in a productive and in a reductive fashion. In addition, the application of these rules is controlled by a regular language. Several modes of derivation can be distinguished for this kind of grammar. In this paper the generating power of the derivation mode that uses right-occurrence rewriting (RO-mode) is determined. Furthermore, a new mode called RA is introduced, which is a better formalization of the intuitive idea of right-occurrence rewriting than the RO-mode. The RO- and RA-mode have the same generating power, viz. the corresponding RCB-grammars both generate the recursively enumerable languages. Consequently, providing RCB/RO-grammars with a time bound results in a less powerful grammar model.",
keywords = "HMI-SLT: Speech and Language Technology",
author = "Asveld, {Peter R.J.} and Hogendorp, {Jan Anne}",
year = "1989",
language = "English",
series = "Memoranda Informatica",
publisher = "University of Twente",
number = "INF 89-68",
address = "Netherlands",