On the influence of cold work on the oxidation behavior of some austenitic stainless steels: High temperature oxidation

J.C. Langevoort, T. Fransen, P.J. Gellings

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AISI 304, 314, 321, and Incoloy 800H have been subjected to several pretreatments: polishing, milling, grinding, and cold drawing. In the temperature range 800–1400 K, cold work improves the oxidation resistance of AISI 304 and 321 slightly, but has a relatively small negative effect on the oxidation resistance of AISI 314 and Incoloy 800H. Milling results in an enlargement of the surface area with a factor 2.5.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)271-284
JournalOxidation of metals
Issue number5-6
Publication statusPublished - 1984


  • IR-85589

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