One-Step Synthesis of Air-Stable Sulfur-Doped Molybdenum Phosphide Catalyst

Song Tian, Wei Mao, Donghuai Tu, Yanbo Bai, Zhaohua Jia, Yue Qin, Xiang Li, Anjie Wang, Jimmy A. Faria Albanese, Jian Lu*

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1 Citation (Scopus)
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Transition-metal phosphides prepared from temperature-programmed reduction (TPR) are generally known to be unstable and prone to surface structure decomposition upon exposure to air. In this work, air-stable molybdenum phosphide (MoP) was prepared using TPR modified by sulfur. This catalyst was exposed to ambient atmosphere for up to 150 days and still maintained its surface and bulk structures as the fresh sample derived from in situ reduction. The metal phosphosulfide phase generated during TPR not only contributes to the solid structural properties but also exhibits superior catalytic activity in various hydrofining reactions compared to traditional MoP catalysts. Additionally, this preparation strategy was used to synthesize other sulfur-doped metal phosphides, such as CoP and Cu3P. Both of these catalysts exhibited excellent air-stability.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere202301111
Issue number23
Early online date2 Nov 2023
Publication statusPublished - 7 Dec 2023


  • 2024 OA procedure
  • doping
  • heterogeneous catalysis
  • hydrofining
  • molybdenum phosphosulfide
  • air-insensitive


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