Online monitoring of semi-continuous emulsion copolymerization: Comparing constrained extended Kalman filtering to feed-forward calorimetry

Meik Bernhard Franke, Ralf Gesthuisen*, Stefan Kraemer, Sebastian Engell

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Semi-continuous emulsion copolymerization (SCEP) is one of the major processes for the production of polymer latexes. For tailor-made copolymers, SCEP is employed because better control of polymer quality is possible compared to batch operation. To efficiently produce high quality polymers, recipe optimization and good feedback process control is required. For optimization or control purposes it is necessary to measure important product qualities such as the composition of the copolymer or the average chain length of the macromolecules. Measurements of these properties for this multi-phase process are expensive and usually not available online. State estimation and reaction calorimetry are possibilities to overcome this problem. Starting from a complex model for the considered process we develop a simplified model which enables us to estimate the concentrations of the monomers in the particle phase …
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)227-232
JournalIFAC proceedings volumes
Issue number25
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2001
Event6th IFAC Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems 2001 - Jejudo Island, Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Duration: 4 Jun 20016 Jun 2001


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