Online motion correction for diffusion-weighted imaging using navigator echoes: Application to RARE imaging without sensitivity loss

David G. Norris*, Wolfgang Driesel

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This article describes the first application of true online motion correction to diffusion-weighted RARE imaging. Two orthogonal navigator echoes were acquired and zeroth and first-order phase corrections applied in less than 8 ms between a diffusion-weighted magnetization preparation and data acquisition using the RARE sequence. The zeroth-order phase correction was realized by pulsing the system's Bo-coil: the first-order error corrected with appropriate magnetic field gradient pulses. Online correction ensured that no irreversible signal loss could occur in the imaging experiment. Diffusion-weighted images of the brain were obtained from healthy volunteers. EGG-triggered acquisition was applied at 400 ms after the R-wave. Data were acquired on a matrix of 256 × 256 with a RARE factor of 16 and a b-value of 804 smm-2. The images obtained with online motion correction showed a remarkably high image quality, while those acquired without motion correction were severely degraded by artifacts. 2001.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)729-733
Number of pages5
JournalMagnetic resonance in medicine
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2001
Externally publishedYes


  • Diffusion-weighted imaging
  • Navigator echoes
  • Online motion correction


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