Optimizing spontaneous parametric down-conversion photon sources for boson sampling

Reinier van der Meer, Jelmer Jan Renema, Benjamin Brecht, Christine Silberhorn, Pepijn W.H. Pinkse

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


An important open challenge in quantum information processing is to demonstrate a quantum device outperforming a classical computer. One of the most promising ways is by sending single photons through a passive linear-optical network, and sampling their output distribution [1]. However, this requires the nontrivial generation of many spectrally pure (indistinguishable) single photons. Most importantly, -spectral distinguishability reduces the visibility of quantum interference of the photons, but can be mitigated by filtering at the cost of optical losses. Unfortunately, losses are also detrimental to quantum interference.

We recently quantified the combined role of spectral imperfections and loss in a multiphoton interference experiment [2]. We now apply these results to the problem of constructing spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources. In particular, we investigate the optimal filter bandwidth for different sources and optimize the down-conversion crystal parameters. Our results show that demonstrating a quantum advantage using photonics is difficult, but possible
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jan 2020
EventPhysics@Veldhoven 2020 - veldhoven, Netherlands
Duration: 21 Jan 202022 Jan 2020


ConferencePhysics@Veldhoven 2020


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