Organising innovative manufacturing systems

Harry Boer

    Research output: Book/ReportBookAcademic


    Industries worldwide are being confronted with a number of changes: markets are making more stringent demands, competition is increasing and, in effect, companies are required to meet demands for efficiency, quality and flexibility simultaneously. At the same time, an ever-growing number of new computer-aided technologies and management techniques are becoming available. Many of these technologies are supposed to provide adopters with the opportunity to respond adequately to present competition and market pressures. However, many companies seem to have difficulties with organizing the adoption and implementation of new technology. This book proposes a model which may help the adopters of new technology to organize this manufacturing innovation process effectively. The model is based on a wide range of theories of innovation and organization. Its practicability was assessed using seven case studies of the adoption and implementation of Flexible Manufacturing Systems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationAldershot, UK
    Number of pages274
    ISBN (Print)1856282732
    Publication statusPublished - 1991

    Publication series

    NameThe Avebury business school library


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