Oscillation characteristics of endodontic files: numerical model and its validation

Bram Verhaagen, Simon C. Lea, Gerrit J. de Bruin, Luc W.M. van der Sluis, A. Damien Walmsley, Michel Versluis

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During a root canal treatment, an antimicrobial fluid is injected into the root canal to eradicate all bacteria from the root canal system. Agitation of the fluid using an ultrasonically vibrating miniature file results in a significant improvement in the cleaning efficacy over conventional syringe irrigation. Numerical analysis of the oscillation characteristics of the file, modeled as a tapered, driven rod, shows a sinusoidal wave pattern with an increase in amplitude and decrease in wavelength toward the free end of the file. Measurements of the file oscillation with a scanning laser vibrometer show good agreement with the numerical simulation. The numerical model of endodontic file oscillation has the potential for predicting the oscillation pattern and fracture likeliness of various file types and the acoustic streaming they induce during passive ultrasonic irrigation
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2448-2459
JournalIEEE transactions on ultrasonics, ferroelectrics and frequency control
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2012


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